Psalm 119:9–16

Richard Childs
2 min readDec 4, 2020


Good Morning. There is a lot in this section about how we live and about personal choices. Following God is a personal choice, brought on by the Holy Spirit, but still a choice. Do we obey God or reject Him. Many who reject Him think those who obey Him as strange or ignorant. My question is how can people go through this life without Him.

V.9"How can a young man keep his way(life) pure? By keeping it according to Your word.” God gives us guidelines for our lives. It’s when we ignore those guidelines that we tend to make a mess.

V.10"With all my heart I have sought you; Do not let me wander from your commandments.” When was the last time you put your whole heart into something? When we pursue God, we should put our whole heart into it. It’s when we lose our focus that we wander off and again..make a mess.

V.11"Your word have I treasured in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” Do we truly treasure God’s word? The KJV uses the word hid. Is God’s word so precious that we hide it away in a special place, like our heart. You do realize that something like that could have an affect on your life….risky.

V.12 “Blessed are you o Lord;Teach me your statues.” Asking for some one else to teach you is an act of submission, and an acknowledgement that we don’t have all the answers. Submission is a scary word, it means we are not in control….again..risky.

V.13 “With my lips I have told of all the ordinances of your mouth.”

V.14 “I have rejoiced in the way of your testimonies, as much as in all riches.” I knew a guy who said when ever God does something for you, tell as many as possible. Sharing God’s blessings and testimonies may be a way to encourage someone. We don’t know what they’re going through, but God does. A kind word, a sincere prayer, can hold so much more value than a twenty dollar bill.

V.15 “ I will meditate on Your precepts and regard Your ways.”

V.16 “I shall delight in Your statues; I shall not forget Your word.” Notice the personal choices; I have, I will, I shall. Now notice how precious God’s word should be in our life: treasured,rejoiced,meditate,delight,not forget.

“Father, thank you for the timeless truth of Your word.”

Thanks for stopping by.



Richard Childs

Husband of Deidra | Father of 4 | Grandfather of 5 | Cancer warrior | Reflection on Psalms